20 years ago, publications uniquely focused on how women could harness medical aesthetics to tackle the onset of age lines and improve elements of their appearance they were not happy with. Today, this is no longer the case. Here are 4 of the most popular treatments embraced by men.
Hair restoration
Hair loss and thinning hair is a common concern for men and if sounds familiar to you, you’re not alone. 60% of men view hair loss as a significant aesthetic concern and can affect a person’s day-to-day life.
Developments in treatment for hair loss have improved massively in recent years, encouraging more men to have treatment.
PRP therapy has been heavily endorsed by celebrities as a treatment to rejuvenate the skin, but can also be used to stimulate healthy cell renewal to trigger dormant hair follicles to grow. Hair transplants are also popular, with celebrities such as Gordon Ramsay, James Nesbitt and Wayne Rooney all endorsing them as a viable hair rejuvenation treatment.
Wrinkle correction treatment and fillers
Popular with both men and women, wrinkle correction injections and dermal fillers make up 90% of the non-surgical aesthetics market, in fact, in the USA this type of treatment rose in popularity by 381% between 2000-2018.
Once upon a time, dermal fillers were principally seen to be uniquely for women. But with the stigma disappearing surrounding male grooming, the way for men to have this type of treatment without fear of societal judgment has been paved. And quite right too – aesthetic treatments should know no gender!
Non-surgical jaw augmentation
An aesthetic jawline has been synonymous with male beauty for hundreds of years in art and culture. A great looking chin and jawline help to balance the aesthetics of the whole face, putting everything in harmony.
The treatment can be used to give a wide chin with angular features, a desirable look for men who wish to look more masculine. Dermal fillers can be used to achieve this and are administered to specific areas to improve definition and give elasticity.
A new kid on the block in the world of medical aesthetics is the P-Shot. It can significantly improve your sex life as a man, helping you sustain an erection and increase penis size by increasing blood flow.
Enjoy a healthy sex life with this treatment which involves having PRP therapy to stimulate your blood’s healing properties, triggering improved sexual function.
Remember! Always do your research before approaching a clinic to undergo any of the above treatments. Choose a reputable clinician with medical training to stay safe lads!
Great blog post! I agree with the hair loss point, I was losing hair and balding in such a small space of time, that it really affected my confidence. I had two choices to either go bald or get hair restoration and I knew going bald would not be a good look for me so I got hair restoration and it was the best thing I couldve done! As well restoring my hair, I restored my confidence and happiness.
My jawline has been misaligned for a while, which has been affecting my bite, however, it will still look a bit weird after I’m done with my jaw treatment. I’ve been thinking of getting jaw augmentation for a while now and might go through with it after lockdown.