Caring for your skin during the quarantine
There aren’t many good things about the situation we’re in but one advantage is that many of us have a little extra time on our hands to focus on ourselves.
In the hustle and bustle of normal life, it can be challenging to mix up our unusual skincare routine. Why not mix it up a bit?
Try something new and monitor what works for you and what doesn’t. Give a scented cleanser a go-to awaken your face and boost your mood – feeling good is so important at the moment.
Scented cleaners can send signals to the brain, triggering nostalgia and reflection in response to the smell.
A good cleanser is also a bread and butter element of your skincare routine, especially if you’re spending a lot of time indoors. This will help purify the toxins that linger in your home.
Food to keep you beautiful, inside and out
Fuelling your body with the right stuff is important at any stage in your life, but at a time when we need to stay mentally healthy too, healthy foods will help boost your serotonin levels and make you want to get out of bed in the morning.
Vitamin C helps with absorbing nutrients and minerals, boosting the immune system. Zinc is also a great vitamin to have in your body’s arsenal, helping create new cells, keep your skin blemish-free, and speeding up the healing of muscles and wounds. Look to red meat, shellfish, and eggs to find it.
Body-beautiful & spiritual home exercise
Exercise is obviously a bit of a challenge at the moment, what with the absence of the gym, social distancing and there being limited household areas in which to do so.
Try to focus on the fact that any exercise is good and will help blood circulation in the body and to the extremities, giving you healthy toenails and hair in the process.
Free weights will keep the muscle under your breasts toned and exercises such as yoga and Pilates will help keep you calm and release stress – essential at a time like this.
We hope you find these home well-being and exercise tips useful!
I’m up north so im in tier 3, which is basically still lockdown. So these tips are still great for someone like me. Like you’ve mentioned I’ve been trying to eat more healthy food while I’m at home. Want to be in the best shape possible 😛
Now we’re full national lockdown, sometimes I feel really lazy and cant be bothered to do anything. But keeping up with a skin routine for me is vital. Keeping my skin clear and healthy this is year is must no matter the circumstance.